
Xuite Fare Well Steamboat Party

所谓天下无不散之筵席, 很快的我们的Xuite 就要去读大学了, 在她还没去上课之前我们帮她搞了一个Fare Well Steamboat Party. 希望她不会忘记我们,逼近你在Future 陪伴我们也半年多, 同时也帮我们把公司的Customer Care搞的井井有条,你不会这么冷心吧! 反而少了你跟我们一起并肩作战真的有一点不习惯. 不过为了你的前途我们UFO家族会全力支持你! 好啦! 看看我们准备了什么好料,看回这些照片我的口水又流出来了....

看看厨房的Mandy & Xuite 有多开心!

Xuite 偷吃.....Mandy 你嘴巴也是怪怪的哦!

将~将~将~将~ 这些就是我们准备的材料

刚刚看的那张是不是觉得我们准备的不是什么好料对不对? 这一张请看清楚一点, 中间的那一堆堆...是什么? 是鱼翅leh! 汤低还有干贝、当归、等等等



James : Oii..不要抢我的肉丸 Xuite : 我要豆卜(dao pok) 、我要豆卜 John : 我要鱼翅, 我要鱼翅 Grace : 我要干贝, 我要干贝

还在打捞。。。CFO 好像已经拿到好料了。。。



当然我们不会只顾着吃, 大合照我们是不会忘记的, 你看John 的嘴巴开到几大!


你看我们的James , 脸红卜卜咯!

俩位暧昧的老板 (CK & James) 恩爱到。。。令人眼红。。。哈哈。。开玩笑的啦!我们全部老板的感情都很好。。可以说是难兄难弟!

吃太饱Liao Loh! 在那边玩 ...什么拿hot dog 做 八爪鱼。。。

CK : 哪,像不像八爪鱼?

Mandy 特写一张

当晚的主角 - Xuite

~By Grace~


Rally Club

Before have a look those pictures i took,
what u think when say Rally Club? a night club right?
same as well before i step in...
but after i step in ... WOW is in my first word.
hehe.. really should go there^^
New design that suit for businessman have their talk here..
with beer and relaxing environmentbeside that got one pool ..
business talk till boring still can .. ngek ngek..play pool la!
then continue.. relax ur mind there.
a unique design for the bar
Sofa for relax.. have a beer n relax here~~~ wow~ bravo!

Beside listening the rock songs at X-Cosy Bar,
there still a place for u to relax.. Sing K??
hehehe...there still got tremendous rooms~
high class!!! super duper recommended!
when i go there i feel like i drop in a heaven~
like if i really have money no need work..
this is really a place i will go lo.. drink beer+nice environment+SONGS!
by buibui Christine ^(-.-)^

New office

the craziest things ever we done.
have our lunch outside the shop^^

我们的店在pure bar 同一排。(很方便我)呵呵。。



Before move to new house..
funny Boss + Senior acting they are working hard when moving to our lovely new house.
I say our company as house because this company really gave us a feeling of being a part of family.. part of the family in ufo.net.my
i like it(^.^)
seldom will have a company with such good bosses, good staff.. just like bros n sisters n father n mother.. kekeke..UFO!
by buibui christine ^(-.-)^



嗨,我是,ufo里最年轻、最帅的salesman。在ufo里头还算蛮久的了,这些日子来,让我最感动的,是公司从来都没有放弃过我,就算我做错或是做不好,然后又苦口婆心的教导我,直到做到top sales为止......所以,简单来说,ufo是间好公司..... 嘿嘿.....

在这里,我希望可以和大家一起努力... for future...


**NAIEC Nail Art International Education Centre**

NAIEC Nail Art International Education Centre located in Ayer Keroh.
Just behind IPK.
This Nail Shop provide a lot of services include courses, Nail polish distributor, pedicure and menicure and also nail art services.
There are many types of Nail art that we can have from now even 3D art.
The owner learned from Taiwan lecture for few years and come back recently.
however the stock she have all is from Taiwan.
I like this Nail Art centre so much^^
when you free to drop by the centre please beware... u will gonna attract by all her products for an hour ^^
you wont get other special product unless from her :D
she looks like Jolin Tsai. ^^
Designed by Joey
Certificate from Taiwan

unique design plus special 3D Art

Sample one of the 3D

This is the 3D sample that make out from each 3D
Moreover, this centre do provide extention nail art.
make ur nail from short to a longer and shinny style.

The nail polish have more different colours than others.
Besides, the colour of the nail polish is long lasting more than 2 months.
Colours of the nail polish however is following the trend of Taiwan.
Currently, there is no other shop or centre provide same colours and services.

She provide courses from Taiwan format,
even exam will have in Taiwan.
Special packages offer for Grand Opening now! MoreInfo
by buibui christine ^(-.-)^


Air Keroh Extreme Motor Sport Park

几个礼拜前这位老板打电话给我 “Grace ah Grace, 12/7/2009 我有一班槟城来的朋友要进Jungle Tracking, 你可以叫你同事过来帮忙拍照吗?你也过着来啦!顺便谈谈我的website 要怎样设计” 接到他电话我很兴奋,因为当初帮他放上UFO directory 的时候应该是在五月, 事过两个月老板还记得我,真的很难的, 当然有的去玩也是其中一个兴奋点啦!哈哈。。。

第一张 老板全家福

第二张还是老板全家福, 没错老板有五个女儿, 看他们笑得多开心。

这辆叫ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle),老板再讲解怎样驾势。玩这辆是最刺激的,不过玩了过后会很累手脚会很酸。。哈哈。。

这辆是Buggy, 它有俩个款式 1 seater & 2 seaters

就是这班槟城朋友,托他们的福我们才可以跟他们一起进Jungle Traking haha....谢谢你们啦!

ATV 被卡住了